Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)
RCP Advisors has a fundamental ethical and investment belief in responsible behavior. We seek to execute this belief across our firm’s culture, general business practices, investment considerations, the general partners with which we invest, and the portfolio companies with which we interface. We have based our Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) Policy on the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact as listed on Annex A hereto and accessed online at unglobalcompact.org/what-is-gc/mission/principles, as well as the six principles of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment as listed on Annex B hereto and accessed online at www.unpri.org/about-us/what-are-the-principles-for-responsible-investment. RCP is a participant in the United Nations Global Compact and a signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment.
By implementing this ESG Policy, RCP strives to align its operations with broader societal objectives, including consideration of the following ESG issues:
- Environmental: Precaution for depletion of natural resources, disruption of fragile ecosystems, loss of endangered species, and pollution.
- Social: Elimination of child labor, forced or compulsory labor, discrimination, and sexual harassment; protection of human rights and diversity; and promotion of business fairness.
- Governance: Evaluation of corporate behaviors and values, non-shareholder stakeholder interests, and employee relations.
Specifically, our ESG Policy includes the following commitments and initiatives:
- During the diligence, execution, monitoring and disposition stages of our investment process, RCP will evaluate and contemplate ESG, as appropriate.
- RCP will encourage the general partners of underlying funds in which we invest and the companies in which we invest directly (or the sponsors alongside which we invest, as applicable) to also consider relevant environmental, social and governance issues.
- RCP is committed to compliance with applicable national, state, and local labor laws in the jurisdictions in which we operate.
- RCP respects the human rights of those affected by the operation of our business, including our investment activities.
- RCP incorporates ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices.
- RCP seeks to use governance structures that provide appropriate levels of oversight in the areas of audit, risk management and potential conflicts of interest.
- RCP maintains policies that prohibit bribery and other improper payments to public officials consistent with the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and similar applicable laws in other jurisdictions in which we operate and invest.
- RCP strives to be a responsible employer by creating a culture in which we develop a diverse pool of high caliber employees and by committing to talent management and development in order to give everyone at RCP an opportunity to perform to the best of his or her ability.
- RCP’s employees will work together to consider and promote ESG.
To promote ESG culturally at RCP and to establish accountability for such promotion, RCP has appointed two senior professionals to act as ESG Champions: Managing Partner Jon Madorsky and Partner Nell Blatherwick. Each is passionate about ESG and works to instill these principles in RCP’s activities and culture.
RCP strongly believes in and promotes honesty, integrity, fairness and respect in all of our business dealings. Furthermore, we believe that introducing ESG considerations in our business and investment decisions can create value for our clients and investors.
To review RCP’s 2024 Communication on Progress to the UN Global Compact, please click here.